


Your Information

I am(Required)
*Select the option that best describes you.

Resident Name


Contact Information

Please note that email is not a secure medium and the privacy of your information cannot be ensured. In providing your email address, you hereby accept and understand the inherent risk of transmitting your personal/health information through an unsecured medium.

Geographic Area

Select the geographic zone where the event occured(Required)

Type of Feedback

Select the type of feedback you are sending.(Required)
Covenant Care protects the privacy of individuals receiving health services in accordance with the Health Information Act (Alberta) (HIA). To properly review and resolve any issues, we work with the resident, or an authorized representative (usually a close family member), to gather and share information about the services received in compliance with the Patient Concerns Resolution Process Regulation 28/2016. Personal or health information collected will only be used for the purpose of tracking, follow up, communications, and trending regarding your health experience concern. Information is collected pursuant to section 33 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (Alberta) (FOIP) and under the authority of Section 20(b) of the Health Information Act (Alberta (HIA) for the purpose of administering Covenant Care’s resident feedback program. For more information, or if you have questions or concerns about the collection, use or disclosure of your health information please contact Covenant Care Privacy at